
Twitter: Micro blogging platform URL shortener

TinyURL: URL shortener

Flickr: Social media for photos

Photobucket: Social media for photos

Soundcloud: Social Media site for sharing audio.

Vimeo: Video sharing site

YouTube: Video sharing site

WordPress: Blog host

Blogger: Blog host Compiles social media posts into an online newspaper

Storify: Compile stories made of Twitter or Facebook posts

Coveritlive: Platform for live blogging

Scribd: Document sharing

Slideshare: For sharing powerpoint slides

Delicious: Social bookmarking.

Instapaper: Bookmarking

GoodReads: Social book reading

FourSquare: Location-based social app

Skype: VoIP app you can use for reporting (voice and video)

Journalist’s Resource: Knowledge-based reporting helps

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